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Showing posts from January, 2019

No Swimming!

In 2018, the reality of being a Florida resident ran ashore because the seaweed precluded swimming. An online friend sent me the following information about the seaweed: I’m from Montreal and I have vacationed in Florida many times, since the early 1980s. I never saw the beaches so badly invaded by Sargassum seaweed, before. This sargasso seaweed has always been out in the ocean and the currents kept them away from the shorelines. Christopher Columbus the explorer wrote about the sea of seaweed in his diaries as he approached the USA coast/Caribbean Sea. It has always been there. Because our planet has heated up, the Sargassum bloom, grow, and expand like flowers and plants would do with extra heat from the sun. It has gotten bigger and covers a larger area. The ocean currents have shifted, carrying or pushing the seaweed close to the shorelines. Yes, it is climate change! The ocean water temperature has increased, making the Sargassum seaweed bloom and expand. ...